This was a frequent request we were hearing from many customers:

“How can I analyze my data with Python?”

The Python Data Science toolchain (Jupyter/NumPy/pandas) offers a wide spectrum of advanced data analytics capabilities. Therefore, seamless integration with this environment is important for our customers who want to make use of those tools.

Circonus has for a long time provided Python bindings for its API. With these bindings, you can configure the account, create graphs and dashboards, etc. However, fetching data and getting it into the right format involves multiple steps and was not easy to get right.

We are now pleased to announce that this has changed. We have just added new capabilities to our Python bindings that allow you to fetch and analyze data more effectively. Here is how to use it.

Quick Tour

Connecting to the API

You need an API token to connect to the API. You can create one using the UI under Integrations > API Tokens. In the following we assume the variable api_token holds a valid API token for your account.

from circonusapi import circonusdata
circ = circonusdata.CirconusData(api_token)

Searching for Metrics

The first thing we can do is search for some metrics:

>>> M ='(metric:duration)', limit=10)

The returned object extends the list class, and can be manipulated like any list object.
We override the __str__ method, so that printing the list, gives a table representation of the fetched metrics:

>>> print(M)

check_id   type       metric_name
195902     numeric    duration
218003     numeric    duration
154743     numeric    duration
217833     numeric    duration
217834     numeric    duration
218002     numeric    duration
222857     numeric    duration
222854     numeric    duration
222862     numeric    duration
222860     numeric    duration

Metric lists provide a .fetch() method that can be used to fetch data. Fetches are performed serially, one metric at a time, so the retrieval can take some time. We will later see how to parallelize fetches with CAQL.

R = M.fetch(
    start=datetime(2018,1,1), # start at Midnight UTC 2018-01-01
    period=60,                # return 60 second (=1min) aggregates
    count=180,                # return 180 samples
    kind="value"              # return (mean-)value aggregate

The resulting object is a dict that maps metrics names to the fetched data. This is designed in such a way that it can be directly passed to a pandas DataFrame constructor.

import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame(R)

# [OPTIONAL] Make the DataFrame aware of the time column
df.set_index('time', inplace=True)

time			154743/duration	195902/duration	217833/duration	217834/duration	218002/duration	218003/duration	222854/duration	222857/duration	222860/duration	222862/duration
2018-01-01 00:00:00	1		4		1		1		1		1		12		11		12		1
2018-01-01 00:01:00	1		2		1		1		2		1		11		12		12		1
2018-01-01 00:02:00	1		2		1		1		1		1		12		12		11		1
2018-01-01 00:03:00	1		2		1		1		1		1		12		11		12		1
2018-01-01 00:04:00	1		2		1		1		1		1		12		11		11		1

Data Analysis with pandas

Pandas makes common data analysis methods very easy to perform. We start with computing some summary statistics:

154743/duration	195902/duration	217833/duration	217834/duration	218002/duration	218003/duration	222854/duration	222857/duration	222860/duration	222862/duration
count	180.000000	180.000000	180.0		180.000000	180.000000	180.000000	180.000000	180.000000	180.00000	180.000000
mean	1.316667	2.150000	1.0		1.150000	1.044444	1.177778	11.677778	11.783333	11.80000	1.022222
std	1.642573	0.583526	0.0		1.130951	0.232120	0.897890	0.535401	0.799965	0.89941 	0.181722
min	1.000000	1.000000	1.0		1.000000	1.000000	1.000000	11.000000	11.000000	11.00000	1.000000
25%	1.000000	2.000000	1.0		1.000000	1.000000	1.000000	11.000000	11.000000	11.00000	1.000000
50%	1.000000	2.000000	1.0		1.000000	1.000000	1.000000	12.000000	12.000000	12.00000	1.000000
75%	1.000000	2.000000	1.0		1.000000	1.000000	1.000000	12.000000	12.000000	12.00000	1.000000
max	15.000000	4.000000	1.0		12.000000	3.000000	9.000000	13.000000	17.000000	16.00000	3.000000

Here is a plot of the dataset over time:

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
ax = df.plot(style=".",figsize=(20,5),legend=False, ylim=(0,20), linewidth=0.2)

We can also summarize the individual distributions as box plots:

ax = df.plot(figsize=(20,5),legend=False, ylim=(0,20), kind="box")

Working with Histogram Data

Histogram data can be fetched using the kind=”histogram” parameter to fetch. Numeric metrics will be converted to histograms. Histograms are represented as libcircllhist objects, which have very efficient methods for the most common histogram operations (mean, quantiles).

MH ="api`GET`/getState", limit=1)
check_id   type       metric_name
160764     histogram  api`GET`/getState                                 

Let’s fetch the 1h latency distributions of this API for the timespan of one day:

RH = MH.fetch(datetime(2018,1,1), 60*60, 24, kind="histogram")

We can plot the resulting histograms with a little helper function:

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 5))
for H in RH['160764/api`GET`/getState']:
    circllhist_plot(H, alpha=0.2)
ax = fig.get_axes()

The output:
(0, 100)

Again, we can directly import the data into a pandas data frame, and perform some calculations on the data:

dfh = pd.DataFrame(RH)

# [OPTIONAL] Make the DataFrame aware of the time column
dfh.set_index('time', inplace=True)
dfh['p99'] = dfh.iloc[:,0].map(lambda h: h.quantile(0.99))
dfh['p90'] = dfh.iloc[:,0].map(lambda h: h.quantile(0.99))
dfh['p95'] = dfh.iloc[:,0].map(lambda h: h.quantile(0.99))
dfh['p50'] = dfh.iloc[:,0].map(lambda h: h.quantile(0.5))
dfh['mean'] = dfh.iloc[:,0].map(lambda h: h.mean())
time             	160764/api`GET`/getState				p99		p90		p95		p50		mean
2018-01-01 00:00:00	{"+29e-002": 2, "+40e-002": 6, "+50e-002": 8, ...	112.835714	112.835714	112.835714	11.992790	15.387013
2018-01-01 01:00:00	{"+40e-002": 2, "+50e-002": 2, "+59e-002": 5, ...	114.961628	114.961628	114.961628	16.567822	19.542284
2018-01-01 02:00:00	{"+40e-002": 3, "+50e-002": 12, "+59e-002": 4,...	118.124324	118.124324	118.124324	20.556859	24.012226
2018-01-01 03:00:00	{"+29e-002": 1, "+40e-002": 7, "+50e-002": 21,...	427.122222	427.122222	427.122222	20.827982	37.040173
2018-01-01 04:00:00	{"+40e-002": 6, "+50e-002": 26, "+59e-002": 15...	496.077778	496.077778	496.077778	23.247373	40.965517


Circonus comes with a wide range of data analysis capabilities that are integrated into the Circonus Analytics Query Language, CAQL.

CAQL provides highly efficient data fetching operations that allow you to process multiple metrics at the same time. Also by performing the computation close to the data, you can save time and bandwidth.

To get started, we search for duration metrics, like we did before, using CAQL:

A = circ.caql('search:metric("duration")', datetime(2018,1,1), 60, 5000)
dfc = pd.DataFrame(A)
		output[0]	output[10]	output[11]	output[12]	output[13]	output[14]	output[15]	output[16]	output[17]	output[18]	...	output[21]	output[2]	output[3]	output[4]	output[5]	output[6]	output[7]	output[8]	output[9]	time
0		4		12		1		1		2		1		1		1		11		1		...		1		1		1		1		1		1		11		12		1	1514764800
1		2		12		1		1		1		1		1		1		11		1		...		1		1		1		1		1		2		12		11		1	1514764860
2		2		11		1		1		2		1		1		1		12		1		...		1		1		1		1		1		1		12		12		1	1514764920
3		2		12		1		1		2		1		1		1		12		1		...		1		1		1		1		1		1		11		12		1	1514764980
4		2		11		1		1		2		1		1		1		11		1		...		1		1		1		1		1		1		11		12		1	1514765040
5 rows × 23 columns

This API call fetched 1000 samples from 22 metrics, and completed in just over 1 second. The equivalent statement would have taken around one minute to complete.

One drawback of the CAQL fetching is, that we use the metric names in the output. We are working on resolving this shortcoming.

To showcase some of the analytics features, we’ll now use CAQL to compute a rolling mean over the second largest duration metric in the above cluster, and plot the transformed data using pandas:

B = circ.caql("""

search:metric("duration") | stats:trim(1) | stats:max() | rolling:mean(10M)

""", datetime(2018,1,1), 60, 1000)
df = pd.DataFrame(B)
df.set_index('time', inplace=True)
df.plot(figsize=(20,5), lw=.5,ylim=(0,50))

You can also fetch histogram data with circ.caql():

AH = circ.caql('search:metric:histogram("api`GET`/getState")', datetime(2018,1,1), 60*60, 24)
dfch = pd.DataFrame(AH)
        output[0]						time
0	{"+29e-002": 2, "+40e-002": 6, "+50e-002": 8, ...	1514764800
1	{"+40e-002": 2, "+50e-002": 2, "+59e-002": 5, ...	1514768400
2	{"+40e-002": 3, "+50e-002": 12, "+59e-002": 4,...	1514772000
3	{"+29e-002": 1, "+40e-002": 7, "+50e-002": 21,...	1514775600
4	{"+40e-002": 6, "+50e-002": 26, "+59e-002": 15...	1514779200

We can perform a wide variety of data transformation tasks directly inside Circonus using CAQL expressions. This speeds up the computation even further. Another advantage is that we can leverage CAQL queries for live graphing and alerting in the Circonus UI.

In this example, we compute how many requests were serviced above certain latency thresholds:

B = circ.caql('''

search:metric:histogram("api`GET`/getState") | histogram:count_above(0,10,50,100,500,1000)

''', datetime(2018,1,1), 60*5, 24*20)
dfc2 = pd.DataFrame(B)
dfc2.set_index('time', inplace=True)
dfc2.plot(figsize=(20,5), colormap="gist_heat",legend=False, lw=.5)


Getting Circonus data into Python has never been easier. We hope that this blog post allows you to get started with the new data fetching capabilities.  A Jupyter notebook version of this blog post containing the complete source code is available here. If you run into any problems or have some suggestions, feel free to open an issue on GitHub, or get in touch on our Slack channel.

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