Get more observability data when you need it – without increasing spend.

Introducing Passport, the industry’s first dynamic observability solution.

It’s FREE and setup is just minutes!

Circonus is trusted by brands that can’t afford to fail
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Make data collection more intelligent. Auto-scale your logs, metrics, and traces collection.

It’s time to ditch a one-size-fits-all collection strategy. The amount of logs, metrics, and traces you collect while your services are healthy should not be the same as when production is on fire. Passport adds elasticity to observability collection by allowing you to automatically collect more data when you need it and less when you don’t based on signals from your environment.

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Improve visibility & MTTR

Automatically collect more logs, metrics, and traces during incidents and high-traffic events. Have a server experiencing high CPU load? Collect metrics at 10s granularity vs 60s.

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Make alerts more actionable

The moment an alert triggers, automatically collect more logs, metrics, and traces on the impacted resources leveraging Passport’s integration with alerting tools.

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Avoid vendor lock-in

Easily send observability data to multiple observability solutions to facilitate migrations or backup.

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Efficiently manage telemetry agents at scale

Avoid errors and operational headaches. Validate your configuration files and maintain version control for a variety of collection agents.

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Collect all the data you want without increasing your budget

“Right-size” your collection strategy. Save money by collecting less data when it’s not needed, so you can afford to collect more relevant data when you need it.

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Gain more control over your data collection strategy

Decouple data collection from your observability platform, so you and your teams have control over defining what data you want, when you want it.

It's FREE and setup is just minutes!

Farewell static agents & brittle pipelines. Manage agent configurations with unprecedented flexibility.

Managing the configuration deployments for telemetry agents is an inflexible and error prone process, so teams are reluctant to change them once deployed. Telemetry pipelines become effectively static, which leads to out-of-date collection strategies and vendor lock-in. Passport’s patent-pending technology converts static agents into dynamic agents, breathing new life into aging pipelines and ushering in a new era of innovative observability.

Circonus Passport How it Works Diagram

Deploy and register agent managers

  • Dynamic agent manager checks for new configuration files that control the telemetry agents

  • Triggers the appropriate reload, and immediately begins execution of the supported agent.

  • Only needs to be installed once and updated very infrequently.

  • Use Passport to make these agent configuration changes, or use your own deployment tools that can respond to signals admitted from Passport.

Create custom config files

  • Build agent configuration files for alternative collection strategies (e.g. collection frequency).

  • Passport supports all open source agent types, including Telegraf, Fluent-bit, Datadog-agent, Vector, New Relic Infrastructure agent, Filebeat, Metricbeat, Pktvisor, and more.

Learn How to Make Your Alerts More Actionable with Passport

Make Your Alerts More Actionable with Passport

Build using low-code/no-code visual designer

  • Via the Passport UI, view the current inventory of all config files and agents in one place

  • Fully manage the lifecycle of your agent’s various configuration files with built-in versioning whenever the file is first created or uploaded and throughout any edits or cloning.

Design and deploy collection strategies in the Rules Engine

  • Innovative rules engine receives “signals” (such as high CPU utilization) from an observability platform and then takes action based on the rules and conditions that have been established.
  • Actions can include changing the configuration of an agent (such as changing the granularity of data being collected), or initiating a process in other platforms, such as a ticketing system, workflow engine, iPaaS, or another observability platform.

  • All rules are listed in one place and can be ordered to specify which rule has the most importance.

Take control of your telemetry with point and click ease.

Circonus Passport Benefits

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