The Circonus Full-Stack Observability Tool

A unified, full-stack observability platform for the modern-day enterprise that delivers crystal-clear, real-time observability of the behavior, health, trends, and performance of the entire enterprise footprint from edge to edge.

Unified Observability

Remove data silos and visibility gaps. Consolidate your monitoring into one platform to improve collaboration, speed MTTR, and reduce costs.

Unified Dashboard
Gain complete visibility into the health and performance of your servers, systems, and databases across your entire on-premises, cloud, and hybrid infrastructure.

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Quickly visualize, analyze, and correlate your log data at any scale – whether from your cloud, infrastructure, or applications.

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Understand the path of each request within complex multi-service architectures.

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Monitor and improve Kubernetes health, performance, and costs with unparalleled ease and speed.

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Robust Tools for Modern Observability

Powerful analytics and visualizations quickly provide the precise insights required to maximize efficiency and performance in today’s complex, hybrid environments.

Circonus Platform Diagram


Collect metrics, logs, and traces using the Circonus Unified Agent or the open source collection agents you already have with support for Fluent Bit, Data Prepper, and OpenTelemetry.

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Real-time streaming alerts, analytic alerts, and composite alerts ensure you can prioritize issues, reduce false positives, and identify issues before they become outages.

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Real-time dashboards provide a unified framework for correlating your metrics, logs, and traces across your full environment a single pane of glass view.

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Use advanced analytics to proactively optimize performance and resolve incidents faster. Analyze data quickly using our support for query languages like DQL, PPL, Lucene, and PromQL.

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The Technology Behind Circonus

Powered by a highly resilient and scalable time series database, the Circonus Platform leverages advanced data science and patented technology to ingest and analyze vast amounts of high-frequency telemetry data to deliver unmatched clarity, insights, and performance.

Performance at Extreme Scale

Underpinning the Circonus Platform, Circonus IRONdb is one of the highest performing time series databases (TSDB) in the world due to its highly optimized implementation. It supports up to 128 nodes, multiple availability zones, and is capable of ingesting trillions of measurements per second. Circonus IRONdb enables users to benefit from unlimited scale, greater efficiencies, and fault-tolerant storage of all of their telemetry data.

Read our docs

SAP Infrastructure Monitoring Dashboard

Redefining real-time telemetry intelligence

The Circonus Platform’s patented histogram technology, OpenHistogram, is an open source data structure to deliver real-time, high frequency telemetry intelligence and insights.

OpenHistogram enables unparalleled handling of high sampling frequencies, at intervals as fast as a millisecond, allowing users to see a more complete and real-time picture of their underlying systems.

Learn more about OpenHistogram

Everything revolves around APIs — so do we

The Circonus RESTful API is designed to evolve as customer needs do, allowing users to programmatically adjust their monitoring and alerts as their architecture changes.

Use client libraries for Python, Ruby, Java and other languages to configure alerts and programmatically adjust your system architecture.

Read our API docs

Circonus Programming Languages

See where Circonus can take you.

Learn how monitoring without limits can drive new levels of value and impact in your business and operations.